Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spongy Jelly-like Control Center Our Brain

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spongy Jelly-like Control Center Our Brain

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ovarian Cysts in Women
Ovarian Cysts in Women

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ADHD And Children

While exact ADHD causes are not yet known,  new information may hold the key to unraveling the mystery of ADHD in the future.  ADHD symptoms tend to run in families. Studies show that one in four children with a diagnosis of ADHD will have a close family member with ADHD.

Medications taken during pregnancy could be the cause it may be that some medications given to a mother may interfere with fetal oxygen, but these are isolated findings and require more research.

Sugar and sugar substitutes. Both refined sugar and sugar substitutes have been studied as possible ADHD causes. Most studies show that neither sugar nor sugar substitutes affect children's behavior or their learning ability.Some research supports the theory that food intolerance or food allergies, such as in the intolerance to the protein gluten seen in celiac disease, may be a trigger for ADHD symptoms.

It has long been suspected that food additives such as food coloring or food preservatives might cause ADHD symptoms or make them worse. Pesticide exposure may increase the risk of ADHD in children.

Complications during pregnancy and  a difficult pregnancy can lead to ADHD. These may be complications that occur during fetal development in the womb, or complications that affect the baby's brain during delivery.  Complications that have been identified include high blood pressure during pregnancy, bleeding before the birth of the baby, babies who remain in the womb beyond their due date, long delivery time, and anything that impacts the baby’s oxygen supply during birth.

It’s likely that a number of factors work together to determine whether a child develops ADHD. Children with ADHD have brains that function differently. We need to know more about is how the environment triggers ADHD symptoms.Children who have a genetic predisposition for ADHD may be more vulnerable to pesticides, toxins, or other triggers. The areas of the brain that are responsible for attention and activity regulation are very sensitive. New theories may hold the key to unraveling the mystery of ADHD in the future.

There is help. Simple and proven methods for improving your child's performance at school. Successful techniques that you can use to dramatically cut the fights and arguments in your home. The best ways to get help for you, your ADHD child and the rest of your family.

Easy to understand explanations of ADHD and why ADHD makes your child behave like they do. The real truth about Ritalin and its dangerous side-effects. And a whole lot more about ADHD that you and your child will benefit from immediately. An Ebook offer that every person with a child with or suspected to have ADHD needs Click Here!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Which Organ is The Most Important?
Stem Cell Research Continues