Thursday, February 4, 2010

Building a Ruutine

Believe it or not the dinner table is the best tool you have to family harmony. It sends a message to your children that they are part of a team, a family team all working together for a common goal. The more consistent the structure the more positive the effect. Being a viable family member is important to a child.

The more enjoyable the meal the more effective. Make dinner about sharing, conversation, good food and laughing. A time to slow down and help each member of a family feel in contact with the family putting aside the hectic life of the outside world. Family meals should be eaten at the table with every family member seated. The conversations should include every family member.

Every family member should be allowed to choose what they eat. Letting them make responsible decisions about food is a lesson about responsibilty. Compliments about their choices makes them feel confident in their decision making choices. The trick is to choose your words carefully.

Invite friends over for dinner. Friends add variety to the conversations and helps introduce variety to choices. Some family members love to impress friends may try foods they normally might turn up their nose to. Having friends over is a great time to introduce a new food.

Studies have shown that a family that shares meals continue the bond through out life and are more stable and make better choices through out life. This might be because of bonds they build in a simple thing called the dinner table.

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