Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wrong Crowd's Influence on Our Children

When we think about the wrong crowd we vision the drug dealers and the alcohol drinkers. Far be it for us to see our own children. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in accusing others we are blind sighted by the fact that our own children might be the leader of the pack. We are always making excuses why our children act the way they do and we see the other children as the bad influence.
Some children are impressed by their peers and give in to the pressure. Their peers use their insecurities to make them feel helpless and vundurable. Most children just want to fit in and if their friends are doing something then that's the shoe that fits.
The best defense a parent has is an open line of communication. Teach them about the tricks friends use to influence them. Tell them what to expect and the consquences.

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